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Problem Solving

  • As a Great Problem Solver we need to observe some basic things and optimize the Solution
  • Develop the art of Observation/Intuition.


  • Given a Number check whether it is Prime or not? - This solution counts the number of factor and then returns true / false Factors Count
Any Positive number that has 2 factors, 1 and the number itself

1 is not a Prime Number nor composite number(number having more than 2 factors)
2 is a Even Prime Number

if a Number a is exactly divisible by number b then we call the b is a factor of a
a*b = N , a and b are factors of N

Factors of a Number always exist in Pair.

Factors Factor Rule Observation

  • Sum of N Natural Numbers
    • (N*(N+1))/2
    • Sum N Natural Number
    • Natural Num


  • A system can run 108 Iterations in 1 Sec. - 109 Iterations = ( 1/108) * 109 => 10 Sec - 1018 Iterations = 1018/108 = 1010 Sec