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How to Approach Design Problem

How to approach Design Problems

Think ---> Document ---> Discuss

Development Life Cycle

  1. Requirement Gathering
    • Product Manager Gathers this from Business Unit
    • Shared with Technical Team
  2. Technical Design Document
    • Important Part of Design is Creating UML Diagrams
  3. Implementation
    • Code
    • Test
    • Deploy
    • Maintain

While gathering requirements ask question that are required to design the product, avoid asking questions that are features

Think is the you dont ask question will the basic product be not built?


  • Identify the Entities
    • Identify the noun in Requirements
  • Identify the Attributes/Functionality
    • Identify the Verbs

  1. One Liner(Problem Statement)
  2. Ask Questions
    • Current Scope
    • Future Scope
    • Behavior E.g : Tic Tac Toe Questions
    • TicTacToe Questions.png
  3. Look for:
    • Entities
      • Attributes
    • Verb
      • Behaviour img.png
  4. Tech Design
    • Create Use Case Diagram (